Omega 3 May Benefit Atheroslcerosis
Omega 3 fish oil may benefit people with atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a chronic buildup of fats and cholesterol on the lining of arteries that starts very early in life. There are many contributing factors that may be associated with progressive atherosclerotic plaque buildup in the arteries. Some of these factors are poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, obesity, inflammation in the body and much more. This buildup of plaque is a risk for coronary artery disease and much more. The latest science is proving that omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial at reducing atherosclerotic plaque buildup on artery walls. Reduction in atherosclerosis is a crucial step in the prevention of a fatal heart attack or stroke. A reduction in atherosclerosis may also benefit the eye by decreasing a vision threatening artery or vein occlusion and may be beneficial for macular degeneration. Epidemiological studies have concluded that populations that consume more omega 3 have less coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis is associated with chronic inflammation in the blood vessel walls that leads to the potential health problems. New studies suggest that omega 3 has the ability to reduce inflammation in the blood vessel walls and may be beneficial in the reduction of coronary artery disease.

Dr Michael Lange a syndicated talk show host of “Ask the Dr” preaches about the power of omega 3, Lange Survival Diet and exercise weekly on his show. Learn more about Dr Lange at Doctors and nutrition experts that are knowledgeable in the latest research on omega 3 fish oil are recommending rTG form omega 3 fish oil high in both EPA and DHA . The rTG form Omega 3 tends to absorb better than the EE (ethyl ester) omega 3 and may get better results with lower dosage. A good rTG form Omega 3 fish like Fortifeye Super Omega or Fortifeye Super Omega 3 Max should be considered as an addition to everyone’s anti-aging regiment.
A link to a recent Swedish study discussing the potential health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids at reducing atherosclerotic plaque can be found below:
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